Lög-Ond is a legendary sword with a rich history that spans centuries and continents. This unique weapon, currently in the possession of Dr. CorneliusDr. Cornelius is a distinguished figure in the realm of theoretical physics and a luminary within the scientific community. Known for his intellectual prowess and enduring partnerships, Dr. Cornelius’s career has been … Read More “Lög-Ond” »
Glossary Term: Melee
Name: MhamóName: MhamóName: Mhamó (Grandmother) Weapon Type: Soul Infused Melee Weapon Description: Mhamó is a unique soul-infused melee weapon owned by Abraham Corcoran. It takes the form of a sheleighly, a traditional Irish walking stick, but its origins and capabilities far surpass its outward appearance. The wood of Mhamó appears to be infused with tiny particles of a green gem known as... More (Grandmother) Weapon Type: Soul Infused Melee Weapon Description: Mhamó
Name: Mhamó (Grandmother) Weapon Type: Soul Infused Melee Weapon Description: Mhamó is a unique soul-infused melee weapon owned by Abraham Corcoran. It takes the form of a sheleighly, a traditional Irish walking stick, but its origins and capabilities far surpass its outward appearance. The wood of Mhamó appears to be infused with tiny particles of a green gem known as... More is a unique soul-infused melee weapon owned by Abraham Corcoran
Abraham Corcoran is a renowned neo-Victorian detective known for his ingenuity and a remarkable life story marked by adventure, mysticism, and technological intrigue. Born in Ireland, Corcoran left his homeland in 1890 seeking adventure in the New World. Instead, he found himself thrust into a 1904 neo-Victorian society dominated by steam-powered technology and eccentric fashion, prompting him to establish a... More. It takes the form of a sheleighly, a traditional Irish walking stick, but its origins and capabilities far surpass its outward appearance. The wood of Mhamó
Name: Mhamó (Grandmother) Weapon Type: Soul Infused Melee Weapon Description: Mhamó is a unique soul-infused melee weapon owned by Abraham Corcoran. It takes the form of a sheleighly, a traditional Irish walking stick, but its origins and capabilities far surpass its outward appearance. The wood of Mhamó appears to be infused with tiny particles of a green gem known as... More appears to be infused with tiny particles … Read More “Mhamó” »
The multi-function batonThe multi-function batonThe multi-function baton wielded by Agent 93 is a versatile tool with various modes designed for different scenarios. In addition to the grappling hook function, sword mode, knockout gas emission, and pick axe mode, here are some additional features that could enhance its utility: Electroshock Mode: The baton can emit a non-lethal electrical charge, stunning opponents upon contact. This can... More wielded by Agent 93 is a versatile tool with various modes designed for different scenarios. In addition to the grappling hook function, sword mode, knockout gas emission, and pick axe mode, here are some additional features that could enhance its utility: Electroshock Mode: The baton can emit a non-lethal electrical … Read More “Multi-Function Baton” »