Surrounded by a chaotic symphony of whirring gears and bubbling beakers, Dr. Cornelius, the brilliant scientist, meticulously tinkered with his latest creation—a steampunk-themed steam-powered blimp, a challenge set forth by the esteemed science department. As he fine-tuned the final details, a shadow loomed in the doorway, heralding the arrival of Evilyn Price, her confident smirk … Read More “Order 93 Episode 2: The Police” »
Tag: Secrets
Order 93 Stories, Stories
Stories, Order 93 Stories
In the cluttered confines of Dr. Cornelius’s office, the air buzzed with the hum of invention. Amidst a sea of steampunk-themed contraptions, Dr. Cornelius diligently put the finishing touches on a steam-powered blimp, a challenge set by the science department. His brow furrowed in concentration as he adjusted a valve, the gears whirring beneath his … Read More “Order 93 Episode 1: Dr. Cornelius” »