Commander Wallace sat at his desk, surrounded by stacks of documents. His brow furrowed in concentration as he reviewed each file meticulously. The task of vetting potential recruits for his team was proving to be more challenging than he had anticipated. “Duncan Campbell,” Wallace called out, addressing his second-in-command who hovered nearby. “How goes the … Read More “Leon Wallace Episode 3” »
Tag: Recruitment
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Stories, The Mandoleer's Folly Series
In a realm where magic and warfare intertwine, Henry Weedmonger stood as a testament to resilience and compassion. Once a fledgling apprentice Botanymancer, he had risen through the ranks to become a formidable Journeyman Cannamancer, wielding the power to command clouds of cannabis smoke and extracts with his carved magic staff. Centuries had passed since … Read More “Episode 9: Henry Gets Sentimental” »