The Mandoleer’s Folly drifted silently through space as Spacedawg Pauly reviewed the latest reports in his office. Several instances of pirate raids had come to his attention, all linked to a notorious gentleman bandit named Ezra Miner. The raids appeared isolated to the Prince Rupert System, targeting luxury resort cargo shipments. “Captain, these raids are … Read More “Chapter 2: The Gentleman Bandit” »
Tag: pirate raids
The Mandoleer's Folly Series, Stories
News, Supporting Documents
Canadian Expanse News Network (CENN) British Columbia Sector – In a sweeping and highly coordinated effort, the Royal Canadian Space Command (RCSC), alongside the elite 666 Squadron, has successfully decimated numerous pirate strongholds throughout the British Columbia Sector. The raids, executed with precision and advanced technology, have struck a significant blow to the organized pirate … Read More “Coordinated Raids Decimate Pirate Strongholds in British Columbia Sector” »