The Mandoleer’s Folly slipped through the asteroid belt in the Manitoba Sector, its crew on high alert. Spacedawg stood on the bridge, eyes fixed on the screen displaying the rogue faction base. “We’ve got defenses and entry points marked,” said J.J. Smith, the ship’s tactical officer. “Looks like we’ve found some weak spots.” Spacedawg nodded, … Read More “Chapter 6: The Enemy Revealed” »
Tag: military strategy
The Mandoleer's Folly Series, Stories
Stories, The Mandoleer's Folly Series
The crew of the Mandoleer’s Folly had been riding high on their recent successes, but their next mission promised to be one of their toughest yet. Aegis Security Solutions, a private security and defense contractor, had a reputation that made even the most seasoned officers uneasy. Known for their involvement in mercenary activities, excessive use … Read More “Chapter 11: Aegis Security Solutions” »