John Aikin sat in a cage in the cargo area of the Mandoleer’s Folly Mark II, his eyes wide with fear and desperation. The ship moved steadily towards the RCSC base in the Fort Nelson System, where Aikin would face a new form of justice. The Mandoleer’s Folly Mark II docked at the RCSC base. … Read More “Chapter 11: Justice for John Aikin” »
Tag: future technology
Stories, The Mandoleer's Folly Series
Stories, The Mandoleer's Folly Series
The Talon lay silent, a floating relic of a bygone era. Aboard the derelict ship, Maelstrom and her team sifted through ancient data logs, hunting for any clue that could explain its mysterious fate. “There’s so much missing. We need someone with Dr. Cornelius’ expertise to piece this together,” Maelstrom said, her frustration evident as … Read More “Chapter 5: The Aftermath and Moving Forward” »