Renée Lachapelle reviewed the information on the screen, her brow furrowed in concentration. The team had gathered in the conference room aboard the Mandoleer’s Folly to discuss their next steps. “These android dancer clubs attract some of the sleaziest degenerates,” Renée said, pointing to the locations on the holomap. “They’re perfect hunting grounds for someone … Read More “Chapter 9: The Hunt for Gus” »
Tag: crime thriller
The Mandoleer's Folly Series, Stories
Stories, The Mandoleer's Folly Series
In the dim light of a nondescript safehouse on the fringes of the bustling mercenary district, J.J. Smith meticulously trimmed his iconic mustache, altering his recognizable features. Beside him, Abraham Corcoran checked the last of their equipment: a pair of special contact lenses loaded with capabilities for full spectrum vision, live video and sound capture, … Read More “Marked for Bounty Chapter 3: Undercover Entanglements” »