On a routine trading run through the vast expanse of space, the Mandoleer’s Folly cruised toward the Sherbrooke System. Captain Ed, with his steady hand on the helm, oversaw the journey from the bridge, while Agent Celine manned her station nearby. The hum of the ship’s engines filled the air, creating a sense of calm amidst the expanse of stars outside.
Suddenly, Agent Celine’s console lit up with an encrypted message from RCSC HQ, catching her attention. She furrowed her brow as she decrypted the message, her expression turning serious.
“Captain,” she called out, drawing Captain Ed’s attention. “I’m receiving a message from RCSC HQ.”
Captain Ed turned to face her, his interest piqued. “Pull it up. Let’s see what they have to say.”
Agent Celine nodded and began the process of accessing the encrypted message. After a moment, she turned back to Captain Ed with a look of concern.
“It’s encrypted and requires retinal authorization from two RCSC officers,” she explained.
Captain Ed considered her words for a moment before making a decision. “Take it to the conference room. I’ll manage things here. Pour yourself a drink and put the ship on autopilot. We have a few hours until we reach the Sherbrooke System.”
Agent Celine nodded, motioning for Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More to follow her as they made their way to the conference room. Once inside, Agent Celine activated the holographic screen, prompting the authorization process.
As they leaned in to submit their retinal scans, the screen granted them access to the file, titled “Order 93. Top Secret.” They studied the contents, finding only a brief message instructing them to meet Mr. Jones on Halifax Prime as soon as possible.
Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More sighed, voicing his concern about the urgency of the message and its potential impact on their current delivery.
“Ed isn’t going to like this,” he remarked. “We have a lot riding on this delivery, and it’s perishable.”
Agent Celine saw an opportunity in Spacedawg Pauly’s suggestion, considering it carefully before speaking.
“Actually,” she began, “that’s a brilliant idea.”
Determined to present their plan to Captain Ed, Agent Celine called the entire crew to the conference room. Captain Ed, slightly inebriated but coherent, joined them as they discussed their options.
“I’m not sure about this, Agent Celine,” Captain Ed admitted. “We have obligations to fulfill with this delivery. Once it’s done, I’ll consider your request.”
However, Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More proposed an alternative plan, suggesting they take the fighter to accomplish both tasks simultaneously.
“If Agent Celine and I take the fighter,” he explained, “we can kill two birds with one stone.”
Captain Ed hesitated, expressing his attachment to their ship, “Little Suzy,” but ultimately relented after Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More sweetened the deal with a promise of Captain Ed’s favorite Canadian Single Malt.
With the crew’s tasks assigned, they dispersed, Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More and Agent Celine making their way to the hangar while the others returned to their posts on the bridge.
As the ship continued its journey through space, the crew prepared for the challenges that lay ahead, knowing that their mission had taken on a new urgency.