As the Mandoleer’s Folly cut through the vast emptiness of space, its destination was the bustling Vancouver SystemSystem Overview The Vancouver System, located in the British Columbia Sector, is a dynamic and diverse star system comprising seven planets. The system's primary star, Vancouver Prime, is a G-type main-sequence star (Yellow Dwarf), providing a stable environment for its planets. Vancouver Prime (Vancouver III) is notable for its habitable conditions and the presence of its moon, The Capilano Forest... More, the industrial heart of Henry Weedmonger’s sprawling empire. Spacedawg stood before the main console, his fingers poised over the communication panel. He initiated a secure line to Henry, knowing well the value of the information he was about to seek.
“Henry, we’re stepping into a hornet’s nest with Obadiah MacKenzieObadiah MacKenzie is a notable entrepreneur and cannabis magnate in the futuristic setting of the Toronto System, known for his rapid rise in the cannabis industry. Born in the Nova Scotia Sector, Obadiah comes from a modest background where his father worked as an asteroid miner, often absent from family life due to the demands of his profession. Early Life... More. Any intel on his movements, motives, or who’s backing him could give us the edge we need,” Spacedawg stated, his voice firm with resolve.
Henry’s face flickered onto the screen, marked by concern yet steady with resolve. “Spacedawg, it’s troubling to hear he’s causing more trouble. I suspect he’s not working alone. You should speak with a former associate of his, someone who saw enough to walk away—Trevor Gilmartin. He was in upper management with Obadiah before joining my operations on a private terraformed moon.”
“Thanks, Henry. We’ll track him down and see what he knows,” Spacedawg replied, noting the name.
The next leg of their journey brought them to the Chilliwack SystemSystem Name: Chilliwack System Sector: British Columbia Sector Number of Planets: 4 Notable Features: Rich mineral resources, diverse ecosystems, significant trade hub Primary Star(s): Chilliwack Prime Astrophysical Characteristics Star Type(s): K-type main-sequence star (Orange Dwarf) Age of the System: 5.1 billion years Distance from Earth: 370 light-years Habitability: One habitable planet (Chilliwack Prime) Special Phenomena: Frequent solar flares and auroras... More, a quieter, more remote cluster of stars where Trevor Gilmartin now resided. The terraformed moon, a lush and verdant world crafted under Henry’s directive, seemed a world away from the corporate espionage they were entangled in.
Upon landing, Spacedawg and Ed made their way to a modest structure nestled among the towering flora that marked Henry’s terraforming success. They were met at the door by Trevor, a man whose wary eyes spoke of the secrets he held.
“Trevor Gilmartin? I’m Commander Spacedawg, and this is Captain Ed AlvisBiographical Information Also Known As: Captain Ed Alvis, Dr. Ed AlvisProfessions: Scientist, Musician, AdventurerAlma Mater: University of MarylandNotable Achievements: Ph.D. in Physics, Expertise in Structural Engineering Overview Ed Alvis is a renowned figure in both the scientific and musical communities, celebrated for his dual expertise as a physicist and a musician. His remarkable journey spans academic achievements, a profound musical... More. Henry Weedmonger suggested we speak to you about Obadiah MacKenzie
Obadiah MacKenzie is a notable entrepreneur and cannabis magnate in the futuristic setting of the Toronto System, known for his rapid rise in the cannabis industry. Born in the Nova Scotia Sector, Obadiah comes from a modest background where his father worked as an asteroid miner, often absent from family life due to the demands of his profession. Early Life... More,” Spacedawg introduced, extending a hand in greeting.
Trevor nodded, a flicker of recognition passing through his eyes as he ushered them inside. “Yes, Henry mentioned you might be coming. I left MacKenzie Industries after witnessing too many decisions that crossed the line. What do you need to know?”
“We’re trying to track Obadiah’s recent activities. We know he prefers dealing in hard currency to cover his tracks. Any idea where he might be funneling his money?” Spacedawg asked, getting straight to the point.
Trevor sighed, running a hand through his hair as he considered the question. “Obadiah’s always had a knack for hiding his dealings, but he favored using the Moose Jaw System for some of his more questionable transactions. It’s remote enough to avoid prying eyes. You might want to start there.”
“Thank you, Trevor. Your information could be vital in stopping whatever he’s planning next,” Spacedawg acknowledged, his tone appreciative.
As they left Trevor’s home, the pieces of their mission began to align. The next step was clear: head to the Moose Jaw System and uncover the financial trail that Obadiah thought he had buried deep away from the reach of law enforcement.
With each revelation, the path forward became clearer, but so did the danger that lay ahead. As they returned to their ship, the weight of their task hung heavy in the air. Yet, there was a resolve in Spacedawg’s stride—a determination that they would end Obadiah MacKenzie’s reign of corruption, one way or another.