- 2 large Bovipellis Drumhellerensis
Conservation Status Not Evaluated (NE) Scientific ClassificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: ArtiodactylaFamily: BovidaeGenus: BovipellisSpecies: B. drumhellerensis Binomial NameBovipellis drumhellerensis Common NamesThe Drumheller Cow, Drumheller, Purple Drumheller General Information Bovipellis drumhellerensis, commonly known as the Drumheller Cow or Purple Drumheller, is a large herbivorous mammal native to Drumheller Prime in the Drumheller System of the Alberta Sector. Noted for its significant role... More steaks
- 2 tablespoons olive oil
- Salt and pepper to taste
- 4 cloves of garlic, minced
- 2 tablespoons fresh parsley, chopped
- 1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, chopped
- 1 tablespoon fresh thyme, chopped
- 1 teaspoon ground Stardust
Stardust is a highly addictive and illegal crystalline substance known for its potent effects on human physiology and psychology. Derived from rare extraterrestrial minerals, Stardust has gained notoriety for its ability to induce a sense of invincibility and significantly heighten physical abilities. However, its use is marred by severe health consequences, including rapid physical decay and extreme dependency. Origins and... More Spice (or smoked paprika as a substitute)
- 1/2 cup unsalted butter, softened
- Lemon wedges for serving
- Prepare the Steaks:
- Preheat your grill to medium-high heat.
- Brush the Bovipellis Drumhellerensis
Conservation Status Not Evaluated (NE) Scientific ClassificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: ArtiodactylaFamily: BovidaeGenus: BovipellisSpecies: B. drumhellerensis Binomial NameBovipellis drumhellerensis Common NamesThe Drumheller Cow, Drumheller, Purple Drumheller General Information Bovipellis drumhellerensis, commonly known as the Drumheller Cow or Purple Drumheller, is a large herbivorous mammal native to Drumheller Prime in the Drumheller System of the Alberta Sector. Noted for its significant role... More steaks with olive oil on both sides. Season generously with salt and pepper.
- Make the Herb Butter:
- In a small bowl, combine the minced garlic, parsley, rosemary, thyme, Stardust
Stardust is a highly addictive and illegal crystalline substance known for its potent effects on human physiology and psychology. Derived from rare extraterrestrial minerals, Stardust has gained notoriety for its ability to induce a sense of invincibility and significantly heighten physical abilities. However, its use is marred by severe health consequences, including rapid physical decay and extreme dependency. Origins and... More Spice (or smoked paprika), and softened butter. Mix well until all the ingredients are evenly incorporated.
- Place the herb butter on a piece of plastic wrap or parchment paper. Roll it into a log shape, twist the ends to seal, and refrigerate until firm.
- Grill the Steaks:
- Place the seasoned steaks on the preheated grill. Grill for about 4-5 minutes per side for medium-rare, or adjust the time to your preferred doneness.
- While the steaks are grilling, occasionally brush them with a little more olive oil to keep them moist.
- Serve:
- Once cooked to your liking, remove the steaks from the grill and let them rest for a few minutes.
- Slice the herb butter log into rounds and place a few slices on top of each steak, allowing the butter to melt over the warm meat.
- Serve the steaks with lemon wedges on the side for a fresh citrus burst.
Enjoy your Grilled Bovipellis DrumhellerensisConservation Status Not Evaluated (NE) Scientific ClassificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: ArtiodactylaFamily: BovidaeGenus: BovipellisSpecies: B. drumhellerensis Binomial NameBovipellis drumhellerensis Common NamesThe Drumheller Cow, Drumheller, Purple Drumheller General Information Bovipellis drumhellerensis, commonly known as the Drumheller Cow or Purple Drumheller, is a large herbivorous mammal native to Drumheller Prime in the Drumheller System of the Alberta Sector. Noted for its significant role... More with Galactic Herb Butter, a dish that combines the flavors of Earth and the cosmos in every bite!
Disclaimer: Bovipellis DrumhellerensisConservation Status Not Evaluated (NE) Scientific ClassificationKingdom: AnimaliaPhylum: ChordataClass: MammaliaOrder: ArtiodactylaFamily: BovidaeGenus: BovipellisSpecies: B. drumhellerensis Binomial NameBovipellis drumhellerensis Common NamesThe Drumheller Cow, Drumheller, Purple Drumheller General Information Bovipellis drumhellerensis, commonly known as the Drumheller Cow or Purple Drumheller, is a large herbivorous mammal native to Drumheller Prime in the Drumheller System of the Alberta Sector. Noted for its significant role... More is a fictional ingredient from the Canis Settlement universe and cannot be sourced on Earth. This recipe is intended for creative inspiration and entertainment purposes.