In the violent and full-contact version of curling, altercations are allowed within certain parameters. Here are the specific rules regarding altercations:
1. Broom Duel: Broomers have the option to engage in a broom duel with an opposing broomer. This is a one-on-one battle where the broomers can use their brooms as defensive and offensive weapons. However, strikes with the broom must be limited to the upper body and should not cause serious harm or injury.
2. Stone as a Projectile: Players are allowed to use the stone as a projectile, but with certain restrictions. The stone must be on the ice for at least 50% of the time before it can be used as a weapon. When throwing the stone, it can only make contact with the legs of opposing players. If an opposing player successfully evades the stone, they have the opportunity to take one of the opposing team’s stones. They can either use it to try and wound an opponent or hand it over to their team’s heavy, who will ensure that the opposing team is down a player.
These altercations add an intense and physical element to the game, creating opportunities for strategic maneuvers, defensive tactics, and confrontations between players. However, it is essential to maintain a level of sportsmanship and safety, with rules in place to prevent excessive harm or danger to the players.