In the violent and full-contact version of curling, the field, also known as the ice sheet, has specific dimensions that contribute to the dynamics of the game. Here are the details:
1. Length: The field measures 46 meters in length. This extended length allows for more strategic plays and longer distances for stones to travel.
2. Width: The field is 5 meters wide. The narrower width adds an element of challenge and requires precise aiming and control of the stones.
3. Targets: At either end of the field, there are targets known as the house. The house consists of concentric circles, similar to traditional curling, with different point values assigned to each circle. These targets serve as the scoring zones for the game.
The dimensions of the field provide ample space for players to showcase their skills in both offensive and defensive maneuvers. The length and width of the field, along with the targets at each end, create a unique playing environment that requires strategy, precision, and physicality.