The day of the wedding ceremony had finally arrived. On the Capilano Forest Moon, no expense was too great for Henry Weedmonger and the Imperial Family. The lush landscape was adorned with exquisite decorations, setting the stage for what promised to be an unforgettable event.
Spacedawg adjusted his dress uniform in the mirror, feeling a mix of excitement and nerves. Meeting Dagbjort’s family, especially the Emperor, weighed heavily on his mind.
Dagbjort, looking radiant in her ceremonial dress, placed a reassuring hand on his arm. “You’ll do great. They’re going to love you.”
As they made their way to the ceremony, Spacedawg spotted a muscular man with a jovial laugh pointed out as the Emperor. The man looked imposing yet approachable. Spacedawg’s heart raced as he saw the Emperor call out to Captain Ulrich Knudsen.
“Uncle! What brings you here?” the Emperor boomed.
“Uncle?” Spacedawg murmured, intrigued.
Dagbjort smiled. “Emperor Magnus Knudsen is the first Canis to be Emperor who wasn’t born in the Empire. He was born on Earth.”
The moment of truth arrived. Ulrich escorted Emperor Magnus towards Spacedawg. Spacedawg bowed deeply, feeling the weight of the occasion. Magnus chuckled warmly.
“Get up, get up,” Magnus said, lifting Spacedawg by the shoulders.
Ulrich introduced them. “Emperor Magnus, may I present Major Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More.”
Magnus shook Spacedawg’s hand with a firm grip. “And this is my wife, Empress Deirdre.”
Deirdre, breaking with tradition, kissed Spacedawg on the cheek. “Welcome to the family, Spacedawg. I hope my eldest daughter and you will be worthy of the Imperial throne.”
“The throne?” Spacedawg repeated, stunned.
Deirdre continued, “Yes. After a few decades as Minister of Interplanetary Relations, Dagbjort will have the training she needs should she become Empress.”
She then asked, “Do you have family, Spacedawg?”
He nodded. “Yes, but they aren’t Canis. My greatgreatgrandfather and I are connected through a complex temporal lineage. But my crew is like family to me.”
Deirdre smiled. “Congratulations on your promotion, Major.”
The ceremony itself was a majestic display of Canis tradition and grandeur. The final moment came with Spacedawg being crowned as an Imperial Prince. The guests erupted in applause, celebrating the union and the new addition to the royal family.
After the ceremony, guests enjoyed a feast prepared by Chef Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More, featuring some of the most exquisite dishes. The Capilano Forest Moon, with its serene beauty, proved to be the perfect setting. As the night went on, there was dancing and laughter, filling the air with joy.
Needing a moment of solitude, Spacedawg stepped out onto the balcony and lit up a joint. The cool night air and the solitude provided a muchneeded respite. Moments later, the Emperor joined him.
Spacedawg offered him the joint. “Would you like some?”
Magnus took a puff and exhaled appreciatively. “This is incredible. Where did you get it?”
“Henry Weedmonger,” Spacedawg replied with a smile. “He’s a master at what he does.”
Magnus chuckled. “It rivals some of the best in the Canis Empire. We should discuss trade relations. Consider that your first official act as Prince.”
Spacedawg nodded, still processing everything. “I’ll do my best.”
Magnus patted him on the shoulder. “It takes some getting used to. I was a farmer before I became Emperor.”
As they talked, Celine and Ed approached, prompting Magnus to take his leave.
Celine smiled warmly. “Spacedawg, I have news. We’ve found a suitable replacement.”
Spacedawg felt a pang of sadness. “So soon?”
Celine nodded. “But you’ll be happy to know it’s Ed who will be taking command of the Mandoleer’s Folly.”
Spacedawg’s face lit up. “Ed! That’s fantastic.”
Ed grinned. “It’s an honor, Spacedawg. I’ll do my best to live up to your legacy.”
As the evening drew to a close, Spacedawg felt a mixture of emotions but was ultimately content knowing his beloved ship would be in good hands. He looked forward to his new roles and responsibilities, both personal and professional, with optimism and determination.