With the leak taken care of, the crew of the Mandoleer’s Folly felt a renewed sense of security as they delved deeper into their investigation. No longer under the shadow of illegal surveillance, they could finally work without the fear of being monitored.
In the medical and engineering labs, MaelstromOrigin and Early Life Maelstrom, a Gichi-manidoo from the Rogue Moon of Giizis Babaa-ayaa in the Ontario Sector, is distinguished by her blue-furred, wild cat-like features. A member of the humanoid species with a deep connection to nature, she embodies the physical and spiritual traits of her heritage. Maelstrom’s life took a significant turn when she relocated to the bustling... More and J.J. Smith
John Jacob Smith is a seasoned police officer from Georgetown, known for his bravery and unique involvement in managing time anomalies. He has become a pivotal figure in handling temporal disturbances, working undercover as Agent 93 for a secretive organization tasked with protecting the temporal integrity of his environment. Early Career and Experiences John Jacob Smith has been a fixture... More worked tirelessly to reconstruct the explosive brain implants found in the late station captain and his allies.
“These implants are sophisticated,” MaelstromOrigin and Early Life Maelstrom, a Gichi-manidoo from the Rogue Moon of Giizis Babaa-ayaa in the Ontario Sector, is distinguished by her blue-furred, wild cat-like features. A member of the humanoid species with a deep connection to nature, she embodies the physical and spiritual traits of her heritage. Maelstrom’s life took a significant turn when she relocated to the bustling... More muttered, examining the intricate circuitry. “It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen.”
J.J. nodded, his face grim. “Whoever designed these knew exactly what they were doing. It’s a miracle we found out about them before anyone else got hurt.”
Meanwhile, Renée LachapelleInspector Renée Lachapelle is a distinguished officer who currently heads the joint anti-crime task force between the local Constabulary and the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) on Montreal Prime. Renowned for her sharp investigative skills and unwavering commitment, Lachapelle plays a pivotal role in maintaining law and order in the Quebec Sector of the Canadian Expanse. Early Life and Background... More and Agent Abigail Pembroke were buried in financial records, pouring over every transaction with meticulous care. They discovered large sums of money had been deposited into the accounts of the deceased officers, all funneled through several shell companies.
“Look at this,” Renée said, pointing at the screen. “These transactions are deliberately convoluted. Whoever’s behind this wanted to cover their tracks.”
Abigail nodded. “But they made a mistake. These shell companies all trace back to a single branch of the Bank of the Canadian Expanse on Ottawa Prime.”
As they pieced together the financial trail, Renée and Abigail realized they needed to dig deeper. The complexity of the transactions indicated a well-organized effort to conceal the true source of the funds.
In the conference room, they updated Captain Ed AlvisBiographical Information Also Known As: Captain Ed Alvis, Dr. Ed AlvisProfessions: Scientist, Musician, AdventurerAlma Mater: University of MarylandNotable Achievements: Ph.D. in Physics, Expertise in Structural Engineering Overview Ed Alvis is a renowned figure in both the scientific and musical communities, celebrated for his dual expertise as a physicist and a musician. His remarkable journey spans academic achievements, a profound musical... More on their findings.
“We’ve traced the money back to Ottawa Prime,” Renée reported. “It’s clear we need to investigate further.”
Ed nodded thoughtfully. “It sounds like a trip to Ottawa Prime is in order. And while we’re there, I might drop in on Prince Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More. I know the crew misses having him around.”
A ripple of agreement went through the room. The bond between the crew and their former captain was strong, and the chance to see him again lifted their spirits.
“Set course for the Ottawa System,” Ed ordered as they returned to the bridge. “Prepare for departure.”
Lieutenant Ava ClarksonAva Clarkson is a key character in the fictional universe of the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, specifically within the Order 93 narrative. She serves as a lieutenant and pilot aboard the Mandoleer’s Folly, a distinguished spacecraft known for its critical missions throughout the Canadian Expanse. Early Life and Background Born on Regina Prime in the Regina System of the Saskatchewan... More smiled to herself as she entered the coordinates. She had served under Ed when he was the first officer, and knowing he was now in command filled her with confidence. “Course set, Captain,” she confirmed.
The Mandoleer’s Folly glided through space, its destination set for Ottawa Prime. The crew was a mix of focused determination and eager anticipation, ready to confront the next phase of their investigation and reconnect with old friends.
As they approached the Ottawa System, Ed gathered his senior officers for a final briefing. “We need to approach this carefully,” he said. “Our primary goal is to follow the financial trail, but let’s take the opportunity to catch up with our allies and gather any intel we can.”
J.J. nodded. “We’ll be ready for anything, Captain.”
Upon docking at Ottawa Prime, the crew was greeted with the familiar bustle of the spaceport. Ed couldn’t help but feel a twinge of nostalgia as they made their way to the branch of the Bank of the Canadian Expanse.
Inside the bank, Renée and Abigail approached the manager, flashing their badges. “We need access to your transaction records,” Renée demanded.
The manager paled but complied, leading them to a secure room where they could conduct their search.
Meanwhile, Ed took a detour to visit Prince Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More. The reunion was filled with warmth and camaraderie, a reminder of the strength of their bond.
“Good to see you, Ed,” Spacedawg said, embracing his former first officer. “What brings you to Ottawa Prime?”
Ed smiled. “We’re on an investigation, but I couldn’t pass up the chance to see you. The crew misses you.”
Spacedawg nodded. “And I miss them. Let’s catch up while you’re here.”
Back at the bank, Renée and Abigail uncovered more details about the financial transactions, connecting the dots that would lead them closer to the heart of the conspiracy. The journey was far from over, but with each step, they drew nearer to the truth.
As the day ended, the crew of the Mandoleer’s Folly regrouped, ready to continue their mission with renewed determination. They knew the road ahead would be challenging, but they were prepared to face it together.