The documentary crew began their day with Sergeant Jonnathan MalikJonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More, eager to capture a full day in the life of the Mandoleer’s Folly’s Sensor Officer. They met him for breakfast in the mess hall, where Malik
Jonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More discussed the day ahead over a hearty meal.
After breakfast, MalikJonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More and the crew headed to the engineering deck to double-check the sensor systems. He meticulously inspected the equipment, ensuring everything was functioning perfectly before heading to the bridge.
On the bridge, MalikJonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More explained his daily routine. “I perform short and long-range scans, provide up-to-date information for the pilot, and scan for anomalies and Udath Particle counts. This data is crucial for navigating the Fold,” he said, demonstrating his tasks on the control panels.
He continued, “During battles, I monitor enemy ships, scan for vulnerabilities, strengths, armor, shields, and weapons, then send this data to weapons control. It’s a vital role to ensure we have the upper hand.”
As his shift ended, it was time for lunch. They returned to the mess hall, where MalikJonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More chatted about personal friendships among the crew and his hobbies. “I enjoy using the simulator, visiting the arboretum, and playing the piano,” he shared with a smile.
After lunch, MalikJonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More headed to the data archive to turn in his data recorder and upload the collected information. “It’s essential to keep our records updated and accurate,” he noted.
With his administrative duties complete, MalikJonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More made his way to the lounge for an after-shift drink. The atmosphere was relaxed, with crew members unwinding after their shifts. Over dinner, Malik
Jonathan Malik Species: Human Gender: Male Birthplace: Chilliwack System, British Columbia Sector Occupation: Sensor Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Sergeant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Sergeant Jonathan Malik is a skilled Sensor Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly, known for his keen analytical skills and exceptional proficiency in managing complex sensor arrays. Born in the Chilliwack System of the... More discussed the rotation of shifts. “We typically work a six-hour shift on the bridge, followed by two to four hours of related duties. Captain Spacedawg ensures we don’t get back-to-back shifts to keep us fresh and alert.”
He added, “Captain Spacedawg often joins us for meals or drinks. He likes to get to know every crew member. He’s pretty awesome.”
The documentary crew captured every moment, showcasing the dedication, camaraderie, and daily routines that make life aboard the Mandoleer’s Folly Mark IIClass: Angry GooseType: Capital ShipOperator: Order 93Crew Capacity: 1,200 (plus 20 guest quarters)Decks: 20 Overview The Mandoleer's Folly Mark II is an experimental next-generation Angry Goose class capital starship, designed by Abraham Corcoran, Maelstrom, and Dr. Cornelius. Built by Order 93, it is engineered for large-scale operations, relying on shuttles for surface missions instead of landing. Features • Hangar Deck:... More so unique.