Celine had just disembarked from the Mandoleer’s Folly when her communicator beeped urgently. She glanced at the screen and saw Henry Weedmonger’s name flashing. Concern flickered across her face as she answered.
“Henry, what’s wrong?” she asked, sensing the urgency in his tone.
“Celine, it’s terrible. Chef Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More has gone missing,” Henry’s voice was frantic.
Celine’s eyes widened. “What? How?”
Henry took a deep breath, trying to steady his voice. “He went to a market selling BeeffruitBeeffruit is a genetically modified perennial fruit developed by Expanse Enterprises' Genetic Engineering Division. It is designed to mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of beef, providing a sustainable and plant-based alternative to animal meat. Beeffruit aims to address issues of hunger and poverty by offering an accessible and nutritious food source throughout the Canadian Expanse. Classification • Kingdom:... More. He was excited about it, wanted to create something special. That was three days ago. I haven’t heard from him since.”
Celine immediately transferred Henry’s call to Spacedawg. “Henry, hang on. I’m transferring you to Spacedawg now.”
Moments later, Spacedawg appeared on the screen. “Henry, what’s going on?”
“Spacedawg, Chef Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More is missing. He went to a market to get Beeffruit
Beeffruit is a genetically modified perennial fruit developed by Expanse Enterprises' Genetic Engineering Division. It is designed to mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of beef, providing a sustainable and plant-based alternative to animal meat. Beeffruit aims to address issues of hunger and poverty by offering an accessible and nutritious food source throughout the Canadian Expanse. Classification • Kingdom:... More and hasn’t been seen since. I just received a ransom note. They want ten million loonies
The official currency of the Canadian Expanse Abbreviation: CEL Unit: Loon, Loonies Symbol: $ Banknotes: Commemorative banknotes in $5,10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations. Though they remain legal tender, the practice of using bills went out of fashion when the currency went digital. The Purse Card: A bank card that manages your money. All transactions, payroll and even taxes are... More in hard currency delivered to specific coordinates by noon tomorrow, or they’ll… they’ll kill him,” Henry’s voice broke slightly.
Spacedawg’s expression hardened. “We’re in the Burnaby SystemSystem Name: Burnaby System Sector: British Columbia Sector Number of Planets: 5 Notable Features: Advanced technological hubs, thriving cultural centers, strategic military outposts Primary Star(s): Burnaby Prime Astrophysical Characteristics Star Type(s): F-type main-sequence star (Yellow-White Dwarf) Age of the System: 4.8 billion years Distance from Earth: 345 light-years Habitability: One habitable planet (Burnaby Prime) Special Phenomena: Periodic solar flares that... More. Can you rendezvous with us?”
“I’ll take a shuttle and meet you there,” Henry replied without hesitation.
The Mandoleer’s Folly’s landing bay was bustling as Henry Weedmonger’s shuttle landed. Spacedawg was there to greet him, noting the visible worry etched on Henry’s face.
“Henry,” Spacedawg said, clasping his shoulder. “We’ll get him back.”
Henry nodded, though his eyes were filled with worry. “I hope so, Spacedawg. Kian is more than just a chef. He’s a good friend.”
“Let’s get you to the guest quarters. You can tell me everything there,” Spacedawg said, leading him through the ship.
In the guest quarters, Henry sat down heavily, pulling up a holographic projection of the ransom note. The message was clear and cold: ten million looniesThe official currency of the Canadian Expanse Abbreviation: CEL Unit: Loon, Loonies Symbol: $ Banknotes: Commemorative banknotes in $5,10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations. Though they remain legal tender, the practice of using bills went out of fashion when the currency went digital. The Purse Card: A bank card that manages your money. All transactions, payroll and even taxes are... More by noon tomorrow, or Chef Kian Scott
Kian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More would be killed.
“He was so excited about the BeeffruitBeeffruit is a genetically modified perennial fruit developed by Expanse Enterprises' Genetic Engineering Division. It is designed to mimic the taste, texture, and nutritional profile of beef, providing a sustainable and plant-based alternative to animal meat. Beeffruit aims to address issues of hunger and poverty by offering an accessible and nutritious food source throughout the Canadian Expanse. Classification • Kingdom:... More,” Henry said, his voice trembling. “He had so many ideas. But now…”
Spacedawg recorded everything, his face set in determination. “We’ll get him back in one piece, Henry. I promise you that.”
Henry looked up, a flicker of hope in his eyes. “Thank you, Spacedawg. I don’t know what I’d do without your help.”
“We’ll handle this, Henry. You focus on staying calm. We’ll need you to be strong for when we bring him back,” Spacedawg said, standing up.
Henry nodded, taking a deep breath. “I’ll try. Just… please, hurry.”
Spacedawg left Henry’s quarters and made his way to the conference room, where his senior officers were already gathered.
“What’s the situation, Captain?” Ed AlvisBiographical Information Also Known As: Captain Ed Alvis, Dr. Ed AlvisProfessions: Scientist, Musician, AdventurerAlma Mater: University of MarylandNotable Achievements: Ph.D. in Physics, Expertise in Structural Engineering Overview Ed Alvis is a renowned figure in both the scientific and musical communities, celebrated for his dual expertise as a physicist and a musician. His remarkable journey spans academic achievements, a profound musical... More asked as Spacedawg entered.
“Chef Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More has been kidnapped. We have a ransom note demanding ten million loonies
The official currency of the Canadian Expanse Abbreviation: CEL Unit: Loon, Loonies Symbol: $ Banknotes: Commemorative banknotes in $5,10, 20, 50 and 100 denominations. Though they remain legal tender, the practice of using bills went out of fashion when the currency went digital. The Purse Card: A bank card that manages your money. All transactions, payroll and even taxes are... More in hard currency by noon tomorrow,” Spacedawg replied, showing them the holographic note.
Renée LachapelleInspector Renée Lachapelle is a distinguished officer who currently heads the joint anti-crime task force between the local Constabulary and the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) on Montreal Prime. Renowned for her sharp investigative skills and unwavering commitment, Lachapelle plays a pivotal role in maintaining law and order in the Quebec Sector of the Canadian Expanse. Early Life and Background... More frowned. “Whoever took him knows his value to Henry. This isn’t just about money. They want to make a statement.”
“Exactly,” Spacedawg said. “We need to find out where these coordinates lead and who we’re dealing with. We don’t have much time.”
MaelstromOrigin and Early Life Maelstrom, a Gichi-manidoo from the Rogue Moon of Giizis Babaa-ayaa in the Ontario Sector, is distinguished by her blue-furred, wild cat-like features. A member of the humanoid species with a deep connection to nature, she embodies the physical and spiritual traits of her heritage. Maelstrom’s life took a significant turn when she relocated to the bustling... More, the Gitchi-mando warrior, spoke up. “I’ll start analyzing the coordinates. See if we can get a lead on the location.”
“I’ll notify our contacts in the Burnaby SystemSystem Name: Burnaby System Sector: British Columbia Sector Number of Planets: 5 Notable Features: Advanced technological hubs, thriving cultural centers, strategic military outposts Primary Star(s): Burnaby Prime Astrophysical Characteristics Star Type(s): F-type main-sequence star (Yellow-White Dwarf) Age of the System: 4.8 billion years Distance from Earth: 345 light-years Habitability: One habitable planet (Burnaby Prime) Special Phenomena: Periodic solar flares that... More. Maybe someone saw something,” Ed said, already tapping on his communicator.
“J.J., gather a team. We’ll need to be ready to move as soon as we have a location,” Spacedawg ordered.
J.J. SmithJohn Jacob Smith is a seasoned police officer from Georgetown, known for his bravery and unique involvement in managing time anomalies. He has become a pivotal figure in handling temporal disturbances, working undercover as Agent 93 for a secretive organization tasked with protecting the temporal integrity of his environment. Early Career and Experiences John Jacob Smith has been a fixture... More nodded, “On it, Captain.”
Spacedawg looked around the room at his crew, his friends. “We’ll get him back. Let’s move.”
As the crew dispersed to their tasks, Spacedawg took a moment to look out into the vast expanse of space. They had faced many challenges together, and this would be no different. They would save Chef Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More, no matter the cost.
The Mandoleer’s Folly buzzed with activity as the crew worked tirelessly to locate Chef Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More. Spacedawg stood at the helm, his resolve unwavering. They had a mission, and failure was not an option.
They would save Kian ScottKian Scott (born July 12, 2238) is a renowned gourmet chef, celebrated for his innovative cannabis-infused cuisine at Weedmonger's Suds, Buds, Bar and Grill. Born and raised on Vancouver Prime, in the Vancouver System of the Canadian Expanse, Scott has become a pivotal figure in the culinary world, merging traditional gourmet techniques with modern cannabis infusion. Early Life and Education... More and bring him back safely, proving once again why the Mandoleer’s Folly was known as the ship you wanted to be on in a crisis.