Dagbjort and Spacedawg enjoyed a magical week honeymooning on the Capilano Forest Moon. The peaceful and romantic atmosphere allowed them to explore the lush landscapes and spend quality time together without any interruptions.
One evening, while watching the sunset over the forest, Dagbjort turned to Spacedawg, her eyes twinkling. “This place is beautiful, but I can’t wait to start our new life together on Ottawa Prime.”
Spacedawg smiled and squeezed her hand. “Me too. It’s going to be an adventure.”
After their honeymoon, they moved into a cozy palace on Ottawa Prime, a perk of their roles with the Canadian Expanse Government and the Canis Empire. The palace was charming, with lovely gardens and rooms filled with natural light.
Spacedawg looked around their new home, feeling both excited and nostalgic. “You know, Dagbjort, the only place I’ve ever really called home was the Mandoleer’s Folly.”
Dagbjort smiled, touched by his honesty. “Well, I’m glad your first real home will be with me. We’ll make new memories here together.”
As they settled in, Dagbjort brought up a topic close to her heart. “Spacedawg, have you ever thought about having children?”
Spacedawg’s eyes softened. “I’ve always gotten along well with kids, and I’d love to have children of my own. It’s something I’ve thought about a lot.”
Dagbjort’s face lit up with joy. “That makes me so happy to hear.”
The next morning, Dagbjort headed to her office with her royal guards, while Spacedawg made his way to RCSC headquarters to start his new position. As he approached security, he was unexpectedly stopped.
“Your pass is coming up as invalid,” the guard said, looking apologetic.
Njord, always vigilant, stepped forward. “Do you know who this is? This is Major Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More!”
The guard paled and stammered, “I’m so sorry. I’ll get right on it.”
Moments later, the Commandant herself arrived in the lobby. “Let him through. Spacedawg, you’re permitted one guard. Njord, accompany him.”
Spacedawg and Njord followed the Commandant to a small conference room filled with RCSC top brass. As they entered, the room erupted into a standing ovation. Spacedawg felt a swell of pride and gratitude.
The Commandant spoke first. “Spacedawg, we have some disappointing news. Due to a law regarding foreign leaders, you must retire your commission.”
Spacedawg sighed, feeling the weight of the moment. “I understand.”
The Commandant continued, “You will receive a generous retirement pay. Additionally, you have accounts that have been accruing interest over centuries, making you one of the wealthiest citizens in the Canadian Expanse.”
A holographic screen displayed the immense fortune. Spacedawg was stunned. “I don’t even know what to say.”
She smiled. “You’ve earned it. And this,” she handed him a medal, “is for your exemplary service.”
Leaving the RCSC Headquarters with his entourage, Spacedawg turned to Njord. “What should a rich, prince, and retired RCSC Major do with all this spare time?”
Njord chuckled. “You should relax. You’ve done more for the Canadian Expanse than anyone. If anyone needs a vacation, it’s you.”
Spacedawg grinned. “And what does a Prince do while his wife is at work?”
Njord replied, “You still need to appoint a Commander of your Royal Guards.”
Spacedawg looked at Njord. “I assumed you commanded my guard.”
Njord bowed deeply. “Thank you, Spacedawg. It’s an honor.”
Spacedawg smiled. “Then consider it official. You’re promoted to Commander.”
Back at the palace, Spacedawg remembered the Emperor’s suggestion about trade relations. He called Henry Weedmonger. “Henry, I’ve got a huge opportunity for you. There’s potential for a trade deal between the Canis Empire and Weedmonger Enterprises that could generate significant tax revenue for the Canadian Expanse.”
Henry was enthusiastic. “That sounds fantastic. I’ll draw up some terms. I’m heading to Ottawa Prime for a business meeting soon. Let’s make this happen.”
Spacedawg felt a renewed sense of purpose. “Thanks, Henry. I’m looking forward to it.”
As he hung up, Spacedawg took a deep breath, feeling the weight of his new responsibilities but also the excitement of new opportunities. He looked forward to building a life with Dagbjort, balancing his roles as a husband, a prince, and a businessman.