The Mandoleer’s Folly was a hive of activity as the crew prepared for their next mission. The ship was readying for departure, the hum of engines filling the corridors with a familiar sense of purpose. Captain Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More stood on the bridge, watching the final checks being completed.
“All systems are green, Captain,” reported MaelstromOrigin and Early Life Maelstrom, a Gichi-manidoo from the Rogue Moon of Giizis Babaa-ayaa in the Ontario Sector, is distinguished by her blue-furred, wild cat-like features. A member of the humanoid species with a deep connection to nature, she embodies the physical and spiritual traits of her heritage. Maelstrom’s life took a significant turn when she relocated to the bustling... More, the ship’s chief engineer.
“Good to hear,” Spacedawg replied, his eyes on the vast expanse of space beyond the viewport.
Suddenly, an alert sounded. “Captain, we’ve got an unidentified ship exiting the Fold,” Ensign KaelSpecies: Gitchi-mando Gender: Male Birthplace: Toronto Prime, Toronto System Occupation: Weapons Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Ensign Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Ensign Kael, a member of the enigmatic Gitchi-mando species, serves as the Weapons Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly. Known for their brilliant engineering and formidable combat skills, the Gitchi-mando people are bipedal, cat-like beings typically characterized... More announced.
“On screen,” Spacedawg ordered.
The display flickered to life, revealing a sleek, unknown ship bearing the Imperial seal of the Canis Imperial Family. The bridge fell silent as they watched the ship approach.
A moment later, the comm system activated. “This is Captain Njord of the Imperial Canis Guard,” a cheerful voice declared. “Permission to come aboard, Mandoleer’s Folly?”
Spacedawg leaned forward, intrigued. “Captain Njord, are you part of the Royal Guard?”
Njord chuckled. “Indeed, Captain Spacedawg. I’ve been assigned to ensure no harm comes to a future Prince of Aludra. That’s you, by the way.”
Spacedawg raised an eyebrow. “I see. And you intend to follow us on our mission?”
Njord’s grin was almost audible. “Correct. But don’t worry, we won’t get in your way. Should any enemy engage, we will defend you with our lives.”
Spacedawg nodded slowly. “Very well. I hope our next mission is an easy one.”
Spacedawg decided to call a meeting of his senior staff. As he walked through the corridors, he couldn’t help but miss Ed, his former first officer, who had always been a great person to bounce ideas off of.
In the conference room, the senior officers gathered, their expressions curious and concerned.
“We’ve got a Royal escort,” Spacedawg began, looking around the table. “Captain Njord and his heavily armed ship are here to protect us.”
MaelstromOrigin and Early Life Maelstrom, a Gichi-manidoo from the Rogue Moon of Giizis Babaa-ayaa in the Ontario Sector, is distinguished by her blue-furred, wild cat-like features. A member of the humanoid species with a deep connection to nature, she embodies the physical and spiritual traits of her heritage. Maelstrom’s life took a significant turn when she relocated to the bustling... More spoke up, her tone serious. “I did a routine scan. That Canis ship is armed to the teeth, Captain.”
Lieutenant Nora MacKenzieSpecies: Human Gender: Female Birthplace: Yellowknife System Occupation: Engineer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Lieutenant Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Lieutenant Nora MacKenzie is a distinguished engineer serving aboard the Mandoleer’s Folly, part of the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry’s Order 93. Born in the bustling Yellowknife System, Nora was raised by parents who were well-loved bartenders in their local... More leaned back in her chair, arms crossed. “Well, it sounds like they’re on our side, at least. We should let them do their job.”
Ensign KaelSpecies: Gitchi-mando Gender: Male Birthplace: Toronto Prime, Toronto System Occupation: Weapons Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Ensign Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Ensign Kael, a member of the enigmatic Gitchi-mando species, serves as the Weapons Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly. Known for their brilliant engineering and formidable combat skills, the Gitchi-mando people are bipedal, cat-like beings typically characterized... More nodded. “We’re only in danger if they become the enemy. Until then, their firepower is an asset.”
Spacedawg sighed. “I just wish I knew why we’ve been given such protection.”
Before anyone could respond, another alert sounded. “Captain, another ship is exiting the Fold,” KaelSpecies: Gitchi-mando Gender: Male Birthplace: Toronto Prime, Toronto System Occupation: Weapons Officer, Royal Canadian Space Cavalry, Order 93 Rank: Ensign Station: Mandoleer’s Folly Biography: Ensign Kael, a member of the enigmatic Gitchi-mando species, serves as the Weapons Officer aboard the Mandoleer's Folly. Known for their brilliant engineering and formidable combat skills, the Gitchi-mando people are bipedal, cat-like beings typically characterized... More reported.
The screen showed the familiar shape of the RCSC Archer. The comm system crackled to life again, this time with a familiar voice. “This is Captain Ulrich Knudsen of the RCSC Archer. Permission to come aboard, Mandoleer’s Folly?”
Spacedawg smiled. “Permission granted, Captain Knudsen. We’ll meet you in the landing bay.”
In the landing bay, Spacedawg and Abraham CorcoranAbraham Corcoran is a renowned neo-Victorian detective known for his ingenuity and a remarkable life story marked by adventure, mysticism, and technological intrigue. Born in Ireland, Corcoran left his homeland in 1890 seeking adventure in the New World. Instead, he found himself thrust into a 1904 neo-Victorian society dominated by steam-powered technology and eccentric fashion, prompting him to establish a... More waited as the airlock cycled open. Captain Njord and Captain Knudsen stepped through, their demeanors confident and friendly.
“Welcome aboard,” Spacedawg greeted them.
“Thank you, Spacedawg,” Njord replied, his eyes twinkling. “Nice ship you’ve got here.”
Knudsen nodded appreciatively. “I suggested we meet here because your kitchen and the ambiance are the best in the fleet. And after our last mission, we could use some good food and company.”
Spacedawg chuckled. “I’m glad to hear it. Let’s get settled and discuss our next steps.”
As they made their way to the officers’ lounge, Spacedawg felt a sense of camaraderie and anticipation. With powerful allies by his side, he knew they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The future was uncertain, but with Njord and Knudsen, it was bound to be an adventure.