Henry Weedmonger stood at the entrance of his latest restaurant, a proud smile spreading across his face. This was not just any opening; it was a celebration of his award-winning chain of gourmet cannabis-infused dishes, and he had invited his closest friends for a VIP event. The entire crew of the Mandoleer’s Folly and Celine EbnerBiographical Information Name: Celine EbnerDate of Birth: April 20, 2173Place of Birth: Vancouver Prime, Canadian ExpanseOccupations: Cybernetically Enhanced Operative of the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC)Parents: Captain Eugene Ebner, Former Deputy Commandant Mary Ebner Overview Celine Ebner is a distinguished officer in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC), known for her profound resilience and cybernetic enhancements. Born into a family... More were on the guest list as a way of thanking the most decorated crew in the Canadian Expanse. Prime Minister Jean le Castor had been unable to attend, but he sent a heartfelt letter and an exclusive medal, entrusting Celine with the honor of awarding it to Henry.
The new restaurant was nestled on the Capilano Forest Moon, known for its serene beauty and lush landscapes. The Mandoleer’s Folly arrived, picking up Celine on the way and heading for the Vancouver SystemSystem Overview The Vancouver System, located in the British Columbia Sector, is a dynamic and diverse star system comprising seven planets. The system's primary star, Vancouver Prime, is a G-type main-sequence star (Yellow Dwarf), providing a stable environment for its planets. Vancouver Prime (Vancouver III) is notable for its habitable conditions and the presence of its moon, The Capilano Forest... More. Upon their arrival, they were greeted with great fanfare and extensive media coverage.
The buffet was a feast for the senses, featuring every dish Henry had ever crafted. The aroma of cannabis-infused delicacies filled the air, tantalizing the taste buds of all who attended. Henry Weedmonger sat at the lead table, flanked by Spacedawg PaulyBirth Name: PaulyCurrent Alias: Spacedawg PaulySpecies: Human-Canine HybridDate of Birth: February 22, 1973Place of Birth: Washington, D.C., United States, Earth, Sol SystemOccupations: Former Chef, Brewer, Distiller, Garden Worker, Apprentice Cobbler; Current First Mate on the Mandoleer's Folly, Lieutenant in the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) Overview Spacedawg Pauly is a unique entity whose life story spans both Earth and the... More, Ed Alvis
Biographical Information Also Known As: Captain Ed Alvis, Dr. Ed AlvisProfessions: Scientist, Musician, AdventurerAlma Mater: University of MarylandNotable Achievements: Ph.D. in Physics, Expertise in Structural Engineering Overview Ed Alvis is a renowned figure in both the scientific and musical communities, celebrated for his dual expertise as a physicist and a musician. His remarkable journey spans academic achievements, a profound musical... More, Maelstrom
Origin and Early Life Maelstrom, a Gichi-manidoo from the Rogue Moon of Giizis Babaa-ayaa in the Ontario Sector, is distinguished by her blue-furred, wild cat-like features. A member of the humanoid species with a deep connection to nature, she embodies the physical and spiritual traits of her heritage. Maelstrom’s life took a significant turn when she relocated to the bustling... More, the Alchemist, and Renée Lachapelle
Inspector Renée Lachapelle is a distinguished officer who currently heads the joint anti-crime task force between the local Constabulary and the Royal Canadian Space Cavalry (RCSC) on Montreal Prime. Renowned for her sharp investigative skills and unwavering commitment, Lachapelle plays a pivotal role in maintaining law and order in the Quebec Sector of the Canadian Expanse. Early Life and Background... More. These were his oldest friends and once crewmates, with whom he had shared countless adventures.
As the evening progressed, Celine took the stage, holding a small, elegantly crafted medal. “Henry, this is long overdue,” she began, her voice filled with emotion. “Prime Minister Jean le Castor has approved this special award for you. It depicts an image of a half maple and half cannabis leaf. This honor is for having a heart of gold, your philanthropic efforts to good causes, your contribution to society, and being the biggest employer in the Canadian Expanse.”
Henry was visibly touched as Celine pinned the medal to his lapel. The room erupted in applause, and several speeches followed, each one praising the incredible food and the man behind it.
Later in the evening, Henry unveiled a special dessert he had created for the occasion: “The Mandoleer’s Folly Mocha Mousse Cake.” It was a masterpiece—a cake filled with cannabis-infused coffee mousse, encased in a hard chocolate shell.
Henry had gone above and beyond to ensure his guests’ comfort, reserving his hotel on the Capilano Forest Moon for the crew. He wasn’t done celebrating with them yet; two more feasts awaited—a cannabis-infused breakfast and lunch. Most of the crew turned in early, feeling the effects of Henry’s award-winning weed.
However, Spacedawg and the Alchemist decided to stay up late, chatting with Henry. They enjoyed blunts and sipped on Henry’s 15-year cannabis-infused whiskey, the euphoria enhancing their camaraderie. They watched the stars for a while, reminiscing about old times before finally heading to the hotel to sleep off the euphoric buzz.